Covid-19 Funeral Updates
During the challenge of the Coronavirus pandemic, M. E. Fisher Funeral Home and Tucker & Fisher Funeral Home and Cremation Services remain committed and prepared to safely care for the families it serves. Whenever possible, we will continue to enable families to participate in the ceremonies that are most important to them.
At this time, according to the CDC, there is no known risk associated with being in the same room at a funeral or visitation service with the body of someone who died of confirmed or suspected COVID-19. However, federal, state and local public health regulations may impact the size of gathering a family is able to plan. Depending on a family’s preferences, their loved one can be safely embalmed. Families may choose either burial or cremation as usual.
We recognize our responsibility to protect the health of those we are privileged to serve. We will continue to guide families, as we always have, in ways they can meaningfully honor the life of their loved one.
In addition, M.E. Fisher Funeral Home and Tucker & Fisher Funeral Home and Cremation Services will be offering electronic and phone arrangements and office visits by appointment to further assist our families in caring for their loved one. Upon consent of the families, we will also be offering live streaming of our chapel services.
If the staff of M.E.
Fisher Funeral Home or Tucker & Fisher Funeral Home and Cremation Services can be of any assistance, please contact us at 757-245-3302 or